Kamis, 24 November 2011


     Many people who think reading is boring. Read just a waste of time,but not the least of the benefits of reading.
            One study proved that reading can preven senile diseases because at the time of reading,the brain remains active. In the book Dr.Aidh Bin Abdullah Al Qarni M.A “don’t be sad” there are some benefits of reading:
·         When busy reading,someone blicked entry in ignorance
·         Reading habits make a person too busy,so there is no time to laze
·         By reading,one can develop imajination and fluence in spoken words
·         Can to help clarify thinking
·         Reading increasing knowledge and improving understanding of memories
·         Get some benefits from the experience of others
·         Can to develop imajiation to science or scientific discipliner and then application in life
·         Add to one’s beliefs
·         Helps to refresh the mind
·         Ability to grasp the concepts and to understand what is written

Me In my opinion,from my own experience,four years ago (my age 12 years) at time I became interested in the reality of life stories.
Originally I was invited by one of friends to went Bung Hatta library. Thousands and even hundreds of thousands of books there. At that time I took a book and read it. Realities of life depinted in the book is appropriate with my life. That was the beginning I like readingbut first I was very bored if read,let alone read a lesson book.
Each book contains millioms of science. Reading has changed my life,knowledge is increasing rapidly in wave and supplying a wide range of words,the words that goes into getting my self a lot, so I fluent in speaking,It’s easy if explaining something through oral
Thus,the reader can fill in our brains,word for word or sentence for sentence that can facilitate us in life. Shape the character our self and giving patterns in thinking and than ease in speaking.


4 komentar:

  1. it may be interesting to read a book such us novel,magazane,or short story....:)
    but not for lesson book..hahahha

  2. When you speak, your words resonate only across the room or corridor. But when you write, your words will resonate throughout the ages.
    salam kenal. please visit eljihadi.com :)

  3. eljihadi
    it's true
    but in speech we will be able to easily remove the ideas that have the words, as well as writing

  4. uut guchiten
    reading lesson books is not attractive, but we have to read it because for the sake of our future as well :)
